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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions, you can contact us through the contact number or send a message, but it is better to pay attention to the following frequently asked questions in order to get a better answer. If your question is not in the following questions, you can share it with us.

Web Design

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How do you guarantee the security of the designed sites in Rahat Site?

Ensuring website security is a very important priority in Rahat site. By using techniques, modern security protocols, regular updates, as well as the use of various professional tools, we eliminate possible weaknesses and guarantee the security of your website.

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What feature distinguishes the sites designed by Rahat Site from other programming companies?

Unique and attractive design, unparalleled speed, correct strategy for branding, fast technical support, professional content management system, compatible with all devices, advanced and special graphics, great user experience, unique shopping experience are among the features. which is followed in a principled, standard and specialized way in website design in Rahat site.

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Do you have experience designing a website for a business similar to mine?

Rahat site specialists with rich experience in the field of designing all kinds of sites, whether small businesses or large companies, are committed to providing specialized website services. Achievements and diverse portfolios show the ability and experience of this team in all fields.

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How much time is required for website design?

The time required for designing a website depends on several factors such as the complexity of the website, business needs, technical issues, etc. and can vary.For more detailed guidance in this field, it is better to register your question online.

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Where should I start to order online website design services?

The process of registering a service order on Rahat site is very simple, just go to the online order page, choose the service and plan you want and buy the service you want by entering your contact number. Immediately after the payment, the website design process will begin.

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Are the websites that are designed in Rahat site possible to upgrade?

Yes, the websites designed by Rahat site team have upgradeable features. The ability to upgrade a website means adding features, improving performance, changing appearance, and increasing functionality.

App Design

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What facilities distinguish the applications designed by Rahat Seite from other competitors?

The up-to-date knowledge and technical information of programmers, advanced technology, the use of the most up-to-date programming languages in the world, attractive appearance, high performance, security and speed, and other features, provide users with a new and extraordinary experience.

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How can I ensure the security of information in applications designed by Rahat Site?

In Rahat site, we use security standards and techniques and up-to-date tools to maintain the security of your and your users` information. It is very important for us that the information of the users of the applications designed by us is safe.

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How can I use the Rahat Site services to design a customized and professional application for my business?

Just go to the online order page and select the desired application or contact the site`s experts. It is also possible to register your questions and requests online.

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What will be the technical support of the designed and published application in Rahat site?

Zero to hundred support for applications designed by Rahat site is done quickly and for free.

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Why should I choose Rahat Site to design my application?

Our team`s commitment to selling services at low prices and high quality, hundreds of satisfied customers, adherence to the principles and rules of customer orientation, quick response, all made us attract good customers like you.

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